Friday, February 17, 2006

Ugly World

The Ugly Face of Crime
So apparently, ugly people are more likely to commit crimes than attractive people. Thank you for the information.

I have a lot of problems with this article.

"Mocan and Tekin aren't sure why criminals tend to be ugly. Other studies have shown that unattractive men and women are less likely to be hired, and that they earn less money, than the better-looking. Such inferior circumstances may steer some to crime, Mocan and Tekin suggest. They also report that more attractive students have better grades and more polished social skills, which means they graduate with a greater chance of staying out of trouble."

To me the connection is a little more obvious than Naci and Erdal (Mocan's and Tekin's first names) see. Our culture has put superficial beauty on a pedestal. So it follows, clearly to me, that anyone who conforms to our society's notion of what is 'good' (in more ways than just the so-called attractiveness) will 'succeed' more than people who don't quite live up to the standards that society has imposed on them.

Tom Wolfe’s “Hooking Up” is brought to mind here along with Garber’s theme of the sexualization of American Culture. What are we doing as the church to overcome this? What are we doing as the people of God to recognize injustice (which I would definitely call this) and fight it? Free the slaves, give sight to the blind, the lame can walk. The ugly are made beautiful. The outcasts are given the best seat in the house. Imagine.

1 comment:

Natalie Elaine said...

good stuff kc ... your thoughts on resotring the world always inspire me as i desire for people to know that it's not that i yearn to change their life or to "ruin their fun" and neither does God but that i want them to have the life God intended. which you beautifully depict in the last few sentances of your blog.