"The leaders of the rich nations are elected on the basis of a collective lie in which they collude with their corporate funders, advertisers and the media; that they will make the lives of voters better, and their communities fairer as well as more prosperous, by allowing economic corporations to continue to rip through the ecosystems of the earth and the social fabric of human communities in North and South as they accumulate monetary wealth at others' expense. Politicians will not tell the truth about climate change and ecological collapse, which is that addressing these long-run problems will actually require reductions in economic growth, a reigning-in of corporate greed and the re-regulation of the money supply. This is because the truth runs counter to the core assumption of neoliberalism that unrestrained economic growth, deregulated trade in goods and deregulated money markets are redemptive devices that make the world a better place."
Michael Northcott, A Moral Climate: The Ethics of Global Warming, pg. 35.