Tuesday, October 03, 2006

America's Young Theologian

I wanted to point everyone to a great post about a guy named Walton. As you'll see it's not really about Walton, but it has everything to do with Walton. You can read it at America's Young Theologian.

"People with disabilities don't suffer from being disabled...they suffer from us." - Stanley Hauerwas


Dan Morehead said...

Glad you enjoyed it! Given that you seem to like Hauerwas and Mark Noll (I studied under both) and Wendell Berry(!), I think we'd get along swimmingly! If you continue to like what you read, I'd love it if you'd permanently linked to my blog.

Dan Morehead said...

That quote, btw, is from Hauerwas. He's the one that got me into working with L'Arche this last year as well as writing on disability.

The Dude said...

You have been linked. When did you study with Noll? I grew up next door to the Nolls in Wheaton and we still keep in touch every once in a while. It seems like verywhere I go there is a Mark Noll connection--Wheaton, Houston, Washington DC, Regent, and now Cyberspace.